Nebraska Tax Equalization & Review Commission

A Constitutional body created to provide a simpler, less expensive avenue of appeal for property owners to challenge the assessment of property in Nebraska.

Decisions for the Week Ending November 5, 2010

09A-045-052 Freund v. Kimball Co.

09C-086 Minden Country Club v. Kearney Co.

09C-273 Horstman v. Johnson Co.

09C-278 Farmer's COOP Grain and Supply Co. v. Hitchcock Co.

09R-001 Lempke v. Keith Co.

09R-020 Broadbent v. Logan Co.



The following cases were disposed of by dismissal at the request of the Appellant, Default Judgement on failure of the Appellant to appear or Confession of Judgement during the week of October 30, 2010 to November 5, 2010.



Case Nos 09A 041, 09A 042, 09A 043 & 09A 044 Joseph D. Freund Jr., Trustee, Joseph D. Freund, Irrevocable Trust, Appellant, v. Kimball County Board of Equalization, Appellee. Dismissed on the request of the Appellant.

Case No 09C 082 Bridgeport Ethanol, LLC, Appellant, v. Morrill County Board of Equalization, Appellee. Dismissed on the request of the Appellant.

Case No 09R 024 Michelle Robinson, Box Butte County Assessor, Appellant, v. Box Butte County Board of Equalization and Charles & Judy Messersmith, Appellees. Dismissed on the request of the Appellant.

Case No 09R 454 HBI, LLC, Appellant, v. Douglas County Board of Equalization, Appellee. Dismissed on the request of the Appellant.

Case No 09SV 006 Judith K. & Bernard V. Citta, Appellant, v. Sarpy County Board of Equalization, Appellee. Dismissed on the request of the Appellant.

Case No 10R 523 Shirley M. Hauck, Appellant, v. Douglas County Board of Equalization, Appellee. Dismissed on the request of the Appellant.



Case No 09R 389 Joshua P. Ziemba, Appellant, v. Douglas County Board of Equalization, Appellee. Confession of Judgement by the Appellee.